Wind block is a great product in gardens that are exposed or in gardens where more delicate or sensitive plants grow. All vegetable gardens require a certain amount of protection from the wind as they can become top heavy as they grow and this often leads to plants leaning over in windy conditions
To avoid damage to your vegetables you can erect as small wind block around your plot. The wind block would need to be one meter in height and should be located on the side on the plot where the wind is coming from
- Wind Barrier
- Wind block at work
- Wind Blck
Windy conditions can also make relaxing and enjoying your garden difficult, so to get the most out of an exposed garden you can erect a wind block. In this case the wind barrier could be a bit higher – anywhere from 1.5 to 2 meters in height will help to difuse and reduce the wind levels in your garden
If you are also looking for privacy in the garden, then wind block is a great, low cost and instant solution for you.
There are a range of grades & colours but the best option is to go for something of a 90 grams per m2 or more. This will give you an effective wind block that provides privacy. The higher the grams per m2 the greater the wind block and privacy that you will get from your wind block
Young hedging will also greatly benefit from protection from the wind. With wind block along the windward side of you establishing hedge, you can protect your hedge from cold weather and the harm caused by wind exposure. This will give a faster establishing hedge & a more neat canopy
To erect wind block there are a number of options open to you.
1. Existing fence: If you have an existing fence then you can simply fix the wind block to the fence. To fix wind breaker to a fence you will need either cable ties or fencing staples. I find cable work better as they are quick to use and wont tear the fabric over time. For best results use a black cable tie and fix the wind block at the top and bottom every 1m
2. No existing fence: In this case you will need to erect a support for your wind block. The easiest solution is to use fencing posts and tensile wire. Position timber posts every 2m apart and run a length of wire along the top and bottom of the posts. Then you can fix the wind block to the wire and posts. To fix to the wire, use cable ties and to fix to the posts, use staples