Whether you have a strip of grass a large lawn or an entire garden to spare, then you should consider sowing a wild flower meadow. Every garden, big or small would really benefit from having a section of garden reserved for growing these rewarding flowers
- Irish Wildflowers
- Poppies and scabious
- Bee
Wildflowers are extremely beneficial to gardens, gardeners and the environment. With the diversity of plants, colours, heights, textures and fragrances the garden and gardener will really enjoy all a meadow has to offer over the course of the summer months. While the butterflies and bees and a range of other insects that feast on the nectar add another source of life and activity to the already buzzing display.
If you intend on growing a wildflower meadow in Ireland then you should be sure to choose native Irish flowers. That way you will help encourage our native bio diversity, grow plants that benefit our native fauna and grow plants that suit our climate and fit well in our environment, countryside and gardens.
Avoid growing wildflowers that are not native as this can encourage invasive species which can reek havoc on our countryside’s, out-competing sensitive plants and creating mono cultures and unsightly landscapes.
The List of native Irish wild flowers that can be used to create a colourful and delightful meadow includes:
Birdsfoot Trefoil, Cornflower, Cowslip, campion, poppy, Devils bit scabious, Diasy, Flebane, Selfheal, Sorrel, Yarrow, Yellow Rattle.
These plants above offer a range of colours and height while offering a home for billions of bugs! Delightful.
On the other side, there are some plants that you will need to avoid. Common vetch is may be one such wild flower. This fast growing perennial has a delicate pink flower and fine pinnate leaves. But it can be really rampant, climber up other plants, hedges and fences smothering them out.
Of course most wild flowers can be considered weeds so always read the ‘mix’ ingredients carefully and research which plants are which. Other wild flowers best to avoid is Taraxacum officinale (Dandelions). These common lawn weeds can spread quickly through their airbourne seeds and if you include them in your wild flower mix they can end up on your lawn.
But this is a factor of wild flowers and of nature. They are wild, they are unpredictable they are untameable, and free flowing. They grow by their own free will and grow freely without the need for maintenance or (much) management. They can rise and fall and spread their reach further around your garden (and into your neighbours!).