Using Companion Plants to Control Pests

Organic control options take on a new level when using companion planting. The use of such plants brings together almost all aspects of what is right about organic gardening. For a start using seeds means that chemical use in the garden can be reduced. Companion planting almost means that you are increasing the range of plants and biodiversity in your garden

Of course with organic gardening there is a certain level of failure and of plant damage. But this is a natural part of nature and all pest damage cannot be avoided and should not be avoided. But with careful and clever planting in your garden you can significantly reduce pest attacks, reduce weed growth and provide better soil conditions for growth


In the vegetable garden you can mix all sorts of vegetables together to create a mix of leaf types and vegetables together. The result is a confusing mass of vegetation which leaves slugs and snails at odd about which plants to eat and which plants to avoid. This is one way to control slugs in your garden

Companion Plants. Mixing Vegetables


  • Plant Chives, Marigolds, Parsley, Radish, Onions, Leeks or Garlic to repel the Carrot Fly


  • Plant Dill, Onions or Potatoes as companion plants for beneficial insects. Plant Clover as a companion plant to repel Aphids & the Cabbageworm. Plant Celery to repel the Cabbage White Butterfly. Plant Thyme and Nasturtiums to control Weevil, Cabbage Worm & Cabbage Looper. Plant Borage to repel Cabbage Worms. Plant Hyssop to Deter Cabbage White Moth. Plant Marigold to deter Cabbage Maggots


  • Plant mint, Hyssop, Sage to repel Slugs. Lettuce doesn’t have a rotation group but grows happily alongside Beans, Carrots, Broccoli, Onions, Radish & Beets. Plant Linaria to attract the Hover Fly (larvae kills Slugs)


  • If let go to seed the parsnip can deter pests including Spider Mites, Aphids and fruit flies. Plant other companioon plants such as  Onion, Radish, Pea, Potato & Garlic


  • Plant with Nasturtiums to free up calcium. Plant with Dill, Rosemary, Hyssop, Sage and Garlic to repel pests.


  • A Perennial plant so requires a permanent location. Plant Dill, Coriander, Parsley, Marigolds & Comfrey as companions. Plant Petunias to deter Asparagus Beetle


  • Rotate Beans & Peas through your vegetable plot over a 4 year cycle as they add Nitrogen to the soil. Follow Beans with Cabbage. Interplant peas with onions as you harvest. Plant Marigold to repel the Bean Beetle


  • Companion plants include Leek, Cabbage & Cauliflower


  • Plant with other root crops & Lettuce


  • Plant Thyme and Nasturtiums to control Weevil, Cabbage Worm & Cabbage Looper


  • Plant with all vegetable to repel aphids, Carrot Fly and add Sulphur


  • Plant basil to boost growth. Plant Borage to repel Hornworms. Avoid Chilli Peppers near Tomatoes as it can lead to Whitefly


  • Plant Garlic as it acts as a light fungicide to Late Blight. Plant Horseradish to repel the Potato Bug, Armadillidium vulgare


  • Plant Taller crops such as peas & beans to offer shade and cover from the sun. Happy with Cabbage, Celery, Onion & Peas


  • Plant after peas as Turnips require a lot of Nitrogen