The use of Dicophar for the eradication of broadleaf weeds on your lawn is generally the last task that you should undertake in a lawn care maintenance program. Prior to controlling weeds on your lawn you should solve any underlying problems first. Issues such as poor drainage, uneven surface, moss growth and bare patches should all be tackled before turning your attention to weeds
- dandelion on lawn
- Lawn weed
- Lawn Weeds
Dicophar is a very effective product in weed control and has the added benefit of not harming your soil or grass. This weed killer is a selective weed killer and will only kill broad leaved plants. It will not kill moss, grass, algae, ornamental grasses or bamboo
Before using this product be sure to read the label and follow the safety instructions. Below we outline the general process in how to apply Dicophar lawn weed killer
When to Apply lawn weed killer
- As mentioned above it is best to tackle all our lawn care tasks before beginning a weed kill program
- Apply Dicophar to lawns during the growing season.
- Apply between April & September
- Best when apply when weeds are at or near flowering
What conditions to apply lawn weed killer
- The weather plays an important roll in all forms of weed control. It is important that there will be a minimum of 24 hours of dry weather
- expected after time of application
- Avoid applying in windy conditions
- Avoid applying in times of drought or excessive grass stress
How to Prepare lawn weed killer
- Dicophar comes in a concentrated form
- Dilute in water.
- Add 100ml of Dicophar to 10L of water
- Mix well
How to Apply lawn weed killer
- Fill a knapsack sprayer
- Apply 10 litres to ever 100M2 of lawn area
- Repeat application 3 times over a single growing season
- Do not cut your grass for 1 week after application
- If lawn is very bare after weed die back, rake surface and reseed bare patches
- Keep Pets away from the lawn for 24 hours allowing time for lawn weed killer to dry in to the grass
- As stated, you may need to repeat the application up to three times per year