Maintaining Box Hedging

Maintaining Box HedgingMaintaining Box Hedging
Box is the most orderly plant that you will find in the garden. Box or Buxus sempervirens is an evergreen and fine leaved plant with dense growth making it ideal for sculpting into all sorts of shapes from topiary box elephants, to simple box balls and of course the neat an formal network of box ...

How to Plant Bareroot Box Hedging

How to Plant Bareroot Box HedgingHow to Plant Bareroot Box Hedging
Bareroot plants can be planted any time between September and April – these are the traditional planting months. That means, the these were always the most suitable time to lift, transplant and replant shrubs. This is because the months of September to April is the time when most plants in the garden are dormant and ...

Plant Profile – Box & Box Hedging

Plant Profile - Box & Box HedgingPlant Profile - Box & Box Hedging
Buxus Semperviren Common Name: Box, Box Wood, Box hedging   SEE IMAGES OF BOX (BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS) BELOW: Box  Shape & Size Final Height 200cm FInal spread:200cm Type: Compact Bush / Neat Hedging Habit: Spherical / compact Box  Features Foliage: Box has fine, dense & evergeen foliage Colour: Deep Green, sometimes with cream margins Shape: Ovate ...

Box Blight on Box Hedging

Box Blight on Box HedgingBox Blight on Box Hedging
A disease that has become more common in recent years is box blight and it is a concern for many gardeners who cherish their old box hedging or topiary bushes. The disease is caused now by two organisms, both of which are fungal. These fungi attack box hedging plants and can be difficult, if not ...

Plant Profile: Buxus Sempervirens (Box)

Plant Profile: Buxus Sempervirens (Box)Plant Profile: Buxus Sempervirens (Box)
Buxus Sempervirens Common Names: Box, Box Wood, Box hedge, Box Hedging Box Shape & Size: Final Height: 150cm Final Spread: 200cm Type: Compact Bush / Neat Hedging Habit: Spherical / Compact SEE PICTURES OF BOX & BOX HEDGING : Box Features Foliage: fine, dense & evergreen foliage Colour: Deep Green, sometimes with cream margins Shape: ...