Artificial Grass Installation Tips & Advice

Artificial Grass Installation Tips & AdviceArtificial Grass Installation Tips & Advice
As more & more of us turn to artificial grass for their gardens we, at the garden shop want to help and advise you on how to get the best results from your own artificial lawns. When you are tired of mowing the lawns and pulling weeds and you prefer to spend time in your ...

Artificial Grass Solutions

Artificial Grass SolutionsArtificial Grass Solutions
When it comes to low maintenance in the garden, nothing beat Artificial grass. Artificial grass is a really great new way to save on time spent gardening while still having a garden to spend time in! Gone are the days spent toiling away cutting grass and edging lawns. Gone are the hours spent picking dandelion ...

Artificial Grass – Low maintenance Gardening

Artificial Grass – Low maintenance GardeningArtificial Grass – Low maintenance Gardening
Of all the parts of a garden, lawns areas or grass requires the most amount of maintenance & time. Every two weeks the lawnmower needs to be wrestled out of the shed, the throttle yanked until beams of sweat drip from your forehead, clods of wet grass getting stuck in the deck & your faithful ...