As more & more of us turn to artificial grass for their gardens we, at the garden shop want to help and advise you on how to get the best results from your own artificial lawns. When you are tired of mowing the lawns and pulling weeds and you prefer to spend time in your garden with your feet up, rather than on your knees, then you will know it is time you consider artificial grass
- Pegging the Grass Down
- Laying artificial Grass
- Laying Synthetic Grass
The first consideration is pile height & texture as this will really determine the quality, feel and look of your lawn. Ideally a pile height of 20mm is best as this gives a soft cushion under foot, yet is still short enough to allow you sunbath, picnic & relax on the lawn in the most comfort
The next consideration is the base of your artificial lawn. For this some work is required and it is important to ensure that you achieve a solid base for a long lasting & level lawn
Prepare you base for your artificial grass using 804 crushed stone. The base should be approx. 3″ in depth and will need to be level and compacted down. This will give a solid and reliable base for your synthetic grass lawn.
We all use artificial grass to cut down on maintenance in the garden. So to ensure you never see a weed again we recommend that you lay a layer of weed block membrane before positioning the artificial grass. Use a weed block with a weight of between 50 to 200grams per square meter and this will give the best results
At the garden shop we also supply self adhesive tape and this should be used where two lengths of artificial grass are being joined together. The tape will ensure the grass dosn’t move, lift or tare and will ensure a quality lawn for years to come. This tape is really sticky – so take care when using it as you only have one chance to get it right. But the tape is extremely effective and reliable
Ground pegs or fixing pins can also be used – these are not essential as the grass is not likely to move once laid. But – if your synthetic lawn is likely to experience heavy traffic and or a lot of sports and kid’s play – then you should use these pins to secure and anchor your artificial grass. To do this will recommend 20cm pins and a rubber mallet to drive them home
Lastly- edging your new lawn should be considered – for this we can suggest a few options:
1. Just use bark or rubber chippings – this gives a simple, low cost and quick finish
2. Use our rubber edging – this is a low cost edging solution made from recycled car tyres
3. A timber edge – good, but only along straight edges